
Published on:

24th Aug 2021

The 70 Weeks of Daniel

a brief overview of one of the most important visions in prophetic history.

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About the Podcast

Rapture Radio
The truth about the end of the world. Eschatology made clear.
What does the Bible really say about the rapture and the end of the world? We think you'll find it pretty encouraging...

About your host

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Page fifty

We believe there is objective truth to which we must submit ourselves. We believe this truth is revealed by God in both the Old and New testament of the Bible, inerrant, fully inspired and fully preserved by the Holy Spirit.

We long to cheerfully submit every aspect of our lives both individually and corporately to the Bible. We long to embrace its truth, proclaiming it boldly when popular and also when unpopular.

We long to see more and more people throughout Acadiana baptized into Christ and building their lives on the authority of His Word.